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Our Programs & Events

The Aurora African American Health Coalition is dedicated to providing health and wellness programs and events to our community. We host events that focus on many different topics such as maternal and child health, fitness, nutrition, diabetes prevention and management, HIV prevention, COVID-19 education, Alcohol and Other Drugs, and many more!


Due to the COVID pandemic, many of our programs have transitioned to online via Zoom. We began recording some of our presentations and making them available on our YouTube channel. As the positivity rates continues to decrease, we will begin hosting in-person events. Our organization has members that are knowledgeable in various topics related to health and wellness. For this reason, we also do speaking engagements and can be guest presenters at programs for other organizations. If you are interested in requesting a presentation from us, please complete the program request form.


Please see below for information on our recorded programs and check back frequently for our upcoming events, that are either hosted or sponsored by us.

Upcoming Programs & Events


Please check back frequently for our upcoming events. In addition, make sure to check out other events happening in the community.

Program Requests

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The Aurora African American Health Coalition is available to do presentation, workshops, and training at your request on various health and wellness topics. If you are interested, please complete the program request form below and we will contact you.



Program Request Form

This form no longer accepts submissions.

Recorded Programs

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